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sensors [2019/10/15 12:20] nikolalsensors [2025/01/28 13:14] (current) – [Sensors] nikolal
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 ====== Sensors ====== ====== Sensors ======
-To receive information from the fish tags, the Otter is equipped with an Thelma Biotel [[|TBR 700 RT]]. This communicates with the RaspberryPi through RS-485 on the StratoPI CAN board.+The hydrophone used on the Otter is [[|TB Live]] from Thelma Biotel. This provides detections of acoustic 
 +tag, as well as measurements taken in the hydrophone. 
 +Depending on the software version ordered from the manufacturer, the hydrophone can detect tags transmitting 
 +on 63-77 kHz. Typically, lower frequencies are only suitable for larger tags, while higher frequencies are mostly 
 +used in smaller tags. It detects tags that transmit using using Differential Pulse Position Modulation (DPPM), and 
 +can use different protocols to give meaning to the time delays between pulses. 
 +The communication with the controlling computer is through RS-485 interface, delivering messages in 
 +a NMEA 0183 inspired format. Bluetooth communication is also present, but 
 +not used for real-time operations like those the Otter targetInstead, it can be used to download lists of 
 +detections after a mission has been performed. 
 +Power is supplied through the same cable as the RS-485 uses, but in a separate lead. It accepts a DC voltage of 5-12V, so 5V is used in the Otter because it was available and unused by the other components. 
 +===== Making custom IMC messages ===== 
 +  * [[|IMC wiki uavlab]](Needs NTNU VPN login)
  • sensors.1571134821.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/09/19 11:33
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