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Software Architecture

The control box of the Otter ASV used by NTNU, use a customized version of DUNE running on the Raspian OS.

Raspbian is a Linux based operating system optimized for use on the Raspberry Pi hardware. Due to the great amount of community support available, and previous experience, it was chosen as the operating system for the Otter. Raspian comes in two official flavours, one with a full desktop environment, and one meant for headless (No screen, keyboard or mouse used, only remote access.) use. The Otter is controlled over a network connection, and having a desktop would only waste valuable resources. That is the reasoning behind why the Otter uses the headless version called Raspian Lite.

  • sw.1580669093.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/09/19 11:33
  • (external edit)